eKitabu Monthly Newsletter February 2023 Edition
February 28, 2023
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eKitabu Newsletter

Dear Friends,

As digital tools have spread across Africa, people of all ages connect through devices daily. In 2012, now more than 10 years ago, we founded eKitabu to work in distribution of digital content, and we focused on learning. We have walked together with friends and colleagues to deliver accessible content, and as we celebrated our 10 years together, friends shared these remarks and many more:

"The partnership between eKitabu and the Ministry of Education has brought much to digital learning in Kenya. Since the introduction of digital content in the Kenyan curriculum, eKitabu has filled gaps to make digital learning accessible for all learners with and without disabilities." John Temba, Deputy Director of Education, Ministry of Education, Kenya.

"I appreciate eKitabu's contribution to Deaf education in Rwanda. You always emphasize consultation with the Rwanda National Union of the Deaf (RNUD). Congratulations on your 10 year anniversary!" Samuel Munana, Executive Director, RNUD.

"It’s been a wonderful journey working with eKitabu, embracing the digital world in the delivery of educational and cultural content. I see great opportunity for collaboration in availing affordable, accessible digital content to the rest of the world." Lawrence Njagi, Chairman, African Publishers Network (APNET).

"eKitabu has transformed the education of Deaf learners in Malawi through the production of accessible digital teaching and learning materials. I am proud to have been part of the team of experts behind this innovation." Sekerani Kufakwina, Advocacy Chairperson for Malawi National Association of the Deaf.

Thank you to everyone who has been part of eKitabu and has walked and worked with us in Africa and beyond. Asanteni sana! Murakoze cyane! Zikomo kwambiri!

Warmest regards,


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