Note From CEO - May Newsletter Issue
July 6, 2016
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Dear friends,In May we launched Digital Essay Competition 2016 with MOE, KICD, KPA, sponsors, and partners. This year we held two launches -- one at Visa Oshwal Primary and one at the Kenya High School. The events brought joy and excitement to all students and teachers from these schools and more than 15 others who joined us from as far away as Malindi.I thank our launch sponsors: Positivo BGH who showed their new Taifa tablets that have already been delivered to Pilot schools in the GOK Digischool Programme, also Longhorn Publishers and Moran Publishers for being with us and making these events a success. I warmly thank the head teachers and teachers of Visa Oshwal Primary School and Kenya High School for their enthusiastic welcome and cooperation. And I thank our esteemed guests from the public and private sector organizations who graced the events including MOE, KICD, KNUT, KPA, and all teachers and students!We're following up now with Digital Essay Competition 2016 regional kickoffs in counties across Kenya to reach out to teachers and students countrywide and encourage them to create essays at Tunaenda digital! Warmest regards, Will

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